Example: <B SSCIE3> <Q SC3 EX SCIO SINCLHYD> <N HYDROSTATICKS> <A SINCLAIR GEORGE> <C SC3> <O DATE 1672/1683> <M MEDIUM PRINTED> <D CSC> <V PROSE> <T SCIENCE OTHER> <G X> <F X> <W WRITTEN> <X MALE> <Y X> <H HIGH PROF> <U NET PROF> <E X> <J X> <I X> <Z EXPOS> <S SAMPLE X> [^SINCLAIR, GEORGE. THE HYDROSTATICS, OR THE WEIGHT, FORCE, AND PRESSURE AND SENSIBLE EXPERIMENTS. TOGETHER WITH .. A SHORT HISTORY OF COAL. EDINBURGH 1672. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IMPROVEN BY NEW EXPERIMENTS. EDINBURGH 1683. SAMPLE 1: PP. 1.1-21.32 (HYDROSTATICS) SAMPLE 2: PP. 109.21-119.32 SAMPLE 3: PP. 197.1-201.18 (NATURAL PHILOSOPHY) SAMPLE 4: PP. 207.1-217.16 SAMPLE 5: PP. 224.4-227.28^] <S SAMPLE 1> <P 1> [}HYDROSTATICAL THEOREMS, CONTAINING SOME USEFUL PRINCIPLES IN ORDER TO THAT EXCELLENT DOCTRINE, ANENT THE WONDERFUL (^WEIGHT^) , (^FORCE^) , AND (^PRESSURE^) OF THE WATER IN ITS OWN ELEMENT.}] [}THEOREM I. IN AL FLUIDS, BESIDES THE FIRST AND VISIBLE HORIZONTAL # SURFACE, THERE ARE MANY MOE (^IMAGINARY^) , YET REAL.}] Figure I. For the better understanding the following Experiments, it is needful to premit the subsequent Theorems; the first whereof is, that in all Fluid bodies, such as Air, Water, and Mercury, or any other liquid, there is besides the first and visible surface, innumerable moe imaginary, under that first, yet real, as may be seen from the following Schematism, which represents a Vessel full of Water, where besides the first surface
Most of the material has been described in greater detail in previous issues of ICAME Journal. Prices and technical specifications are given on separate order forms. Note that tagged versions of the Brown Corpus cannot be obtained through ICAME. The same applies to audio tapes for the London-Lund Corpus, the Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus, and the Polytechnic of Wales Corpus.
There are available printed manuals for the LOB Corpus (the original manual and a supplementary manual for the tagged version). Printed manuals for the Brown Corpus cannot be obtained from Bergen. Some information on the London-Lund Corpus is distributed together with copies of the text and the KWIC concordance for the corpus. Users of the London-Lund material are also recommended to consult J. Svartvik (ed.). The London-Lund Corpus: Description and Research, Lund University Press, 1990.
A manual for the Kolhapur Corpus can be ordered from: S.V. Shastri, Department of English, Shivaji University, Vidyanagar, Kolhapur-416006, India. The price of this manual is US $15 (including airmail charges). Payment should be sent along with the order by cheque or international postal order drawn in favour of The Registrar, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
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