RE: Philosophical aspects of corpus linguistics

gunter.lorenz (Gunter.Lorenz@Phil.Uni-Augsburg.DE)
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 10:07:39 -0600 (CST)

Try Svartvik, Directions in Corpus Linguistics, Mouton de Gruyter 1992. Of
all the recent corpus linguistics readers (mostly Rodopi and de Gruyter,
some Longman and HarperCollins) it pays the most attention to theoretical

Best - G.L.

Dr Gunter Lorenz
Didaktik des Englischen
Universitaet Augsburg
Universitaetsstr. 10 fon: 0(+49) 821 598 5751
D-86135 Augsburg fax: 0(+49) 821 598 5501
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