The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT) is the first large English Corpus focusing on the speech of teenagers. It was collected in 1993 and consists of the spoken language of 13 to 17-year-old teenagers from different boroughs of London. The complete corpus, half a million words, has been orthographically transcribed and word-class tagged, and is a constituent of the British National Corpus.
In the Nordic countries, research into teenage language is carried out by
UNO (Språkkontakt och ungdomsspråk i
Norden), a project which aims at the investigation and comparison of spoken and informal
written language of Nordic teenagers.
Trends in Teenage Talk Corpus compilation, analysis and findings Anna-Brita Stenström, Gisle Andersen and Ingrid Kristine Hasund Studies in Corpus Linguistics 8, John Benjamins 2002. xii, 229 pp.
(Holders of CD-ROM only)
For more information, please contact:
The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT)
Aksis, Allegaten 27, N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Hofland, Knut, Aksis tel: 55 58 94 63
Stenström, Anna-Brita
Last revised 20. November 2003.