<head id="NEST_Innno.h1">Inngang 3 til paradis</head><head id="NEST_Inn_130en.h1">Entrance 3 to Paradise</head>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s1">Det første var taket</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s1">At first was the roof</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s2">Og taket bare lå der.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s2">And the roof was just lying there.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s3">Taket bare hang der og svevde i et skimrende hvitt kvadrat.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s3">The roof was just hung there gliding in a shimmering white quadrate.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s4">Ingen sekunder.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s4">No seconds.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s5">Ingen minutter.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s5">No minutes.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s6">Ingen timer, dager, måneder.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s6">No hours, days, months.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s7">Ingen stemmer, ingen skritt.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s7">No voices, no steps.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s8">Det var bare taket.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s8">It was just the roof.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s9">Før veggene falt med et drønn.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s9">Before the walls fell down with a bang.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s10">Et to hundre og femti tonns drønn.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s10">A two hundred and fifty tonne bang.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s11">Så kom all verdens fryktelige tapeter.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s11">And then came all the terrible tapestry in the world.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s12">Bladverk, sansebedrag og illusjon.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s12">Delusion, hallucination and illusion.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s13">Så kom saksen</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s13">Then came the scissors</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s14">Og saksen hadde lange bein.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s14">And the scissors had long legs.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s15">Og saksen hadde håndtak i oransje plast.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s15">And the scissors had orange plastic handles.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s16">Og saksen kunne klippe i tykt og tynt, i mykt og hardt.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s16">And the scissors could cut thick and thin, soft and hard.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s17">Og plutselig en dag klipte saksen konturene av en skygge mot veggen.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s17">And suddenly one day the scissors cut the contours of a shadow against the wall.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s18">Og ut fra skyggen klipte saksen en som satt med ryggen til i en stol.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s18">And out of the shadow the scissors cut someone with a turned back in a chair.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s19">Det kunne vært hvem som helst.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s19">It could have been anyone.</s>
<s id="NEST_Innno.s20">Men det var ikke hvem som helst.</s><s id="NEST_Inn_130en.s20">But it wasn