<s id="NEST_Harno.s1">Han så opp.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s1">He looked up.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s2">Månen skinte ned på ham gjennom et filter av vann.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s2">The moon was shining down on him through a strainer which was filled with water.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s3">Han strakte den frie armen opp og ut av vannet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s3">He reached/stretched his free arm up and out of the water.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s4">Faen, bassenget var bare én meter dypt her!</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s4">Damn, the water here was only one meter deep!</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s5">Harry satte beina under seg og prøvde å reise seg, strakte seg alt han kunne, håndjernet skar seg inn til tommelbenet, men det manglet fortsatt tyve centimeter på at munnen nådde overflaten.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s5">Harry placed his legs underneath himself and tried to stand up, stretching as far as he could, the handcuffs cut itself into the thumb bone, but it was still missing twenty centre meters before the mouth could reach the surface.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s6">Han registrerte at skyggen oppe på bassengkanten fjernet seg.</s> | |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s7">Helvete!</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s6">Shit!</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s8">Ikke få panikk, tenkte han, panikk forbruker en masse oksygen.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s7">Do not panic, he was thinking, because panic will only consume more oxygen.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s9">Han lot seg synke mot bånn, undersøkte avløpsristen med fingrene.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s8">He let himself sink down to the bottom, and examine the drain grating with his fingers.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s10">Det var av stål og satt blegg fast, lot seg ikke rikke selv når han tok tak med begge armene og løftet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s9">It was made of steel and it was stuck, it would not even move when he used both of his arms and tried to lift it.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s11">Hvor lenge kunne han greie å holde pusten?</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s10">How much longer was he able to hold his breath?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s12">Ett minutt?</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s11">One minute?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s13">To minutter?</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s12">Two minutes?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s14">Det verket allerede i musklene, han hadde gnisselyder i tinningene, og røde stjerner danset foran øynene.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s13">His muscles were already hurting, the temple made rubbing sounds, and he was seeing red stars.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s15">Han prøvde å rykke seg løs igjen, klar over at de fysiske anstrengelsene raskt brukte opp surstoffet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s14">Once again, he tried to pull himself away, aware of that the physical efforts he made would use all the oxygen he had left.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s16">Munnen var tørr av redsel, hjernen hadde begynt å lage bilder han visste var hallusinasjoner, for lite brensel, for lite vann.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s15">His mouth was dry because of fear, and his brain had started to make illustrations he knew was hallucinations, lack of fuel and water.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Harno.s17">En absurd tanke slo ham -- hvis han drakk så mye han orket, ville kanskje vannstanden synke nok til at han fikk hodet over.</s> | <s id="NEST_Har_004en.s16">An absurd thought crossed his mind |