<s id="NEST_Ognno.s1">Og Norge?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s1">And Norway?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s2">Hvem har bygd Norge?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s2">Who built Norway?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s3">Noen vil kanskje svare at det er Gud.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s3">Some might say God.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s4">Jeg tror ikke på det.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s4">I don’t believe that.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s5">Hvem tror på Gud nå for tiden?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s5">Who believes in God in this day and age?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s6">Det kan ikke være mange.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s6">It can’t be that many.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s7">Jeg innser naturligvis at det fins ting jeg ikke forstår, fenomener som går oss hus forbi, saker vi aldri vil få en forklaring på.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s7">I realise, of course, that there are things that I don’t understand, phenomena that escape us completely, things we’ll never get explained.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s8">Men Gud?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s8">But God?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s9">Det er en forenkling.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s9">That’s a simplification.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s10">Norge, altså landet, geografien, har bygd seg selv.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s10">Norway, that is the land, the geography, has built itself.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s11">Isen og vannet og tiden har bygd Norge.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s11">The ice and the water and time have built Norway.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s12">Og vinden.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s12">And the wind.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s13">Prosessen pågår fremdeles.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s13">The process is still ongoing.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s14">Det er lite vi kan gjøre, fra eller til.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s14">There’s little we can do, one way or the other.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s15">Men bebyggelsen?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s15">But the buildings?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s16">Systemene?</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s16">The systems?</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s17">De har menneskene stått for.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s17">People have seen to that.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s18">Mennene og kvinnene.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s18">The men and the women.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s19">De tusener på tusener som har levd før oss, og sikkert mange av dem som lever i dag.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s19">The thousands upon thousands that lived before us, and probably many alive today.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s20">Man har stilt spørsmål, resonnert, prøvet og feilet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s20">They have asked questions, reasoned, tried and failed.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s21">Tatt tiden til hjelp.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s21">Taken their time.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s22">Man har funnet ut av saker og ting.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s22">They have figured things out.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s23">Hogst.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s23">Logging.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s24">Lafting.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s24">Jointing.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s25">Melking.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s25">Milking.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s26">Såing.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s26">Sowing.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s27">Fisking.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s27">Fishing.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s28">Lover og regler.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s28">Rules and regulations.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s29">Litt etter litt har ting falt på plass.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s29">Little by little things have fallen into place.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s30">Idéene har kommet herfra og derfra.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s30">Ideas have come from here and there.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s31">Fra kontinentet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s31">From the Continent.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s32">Fra tidligere sivilisasjoner.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s32">From past civilisations.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s33">Fra mange steder.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s33">From many places.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s34">Men mye har man i klare øyeblikk funnet på selv.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s34">But a great deal, people have, in moments of clarity, discovered themselves.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s35">En heldig assosiasjon.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s35">A fortunate connection.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s36">Mer skal det ikke til.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s36">It doesn’t take more than that.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s37">Det er nok.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s37">That’s enough.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s38">Noen idéer har naturligvis vist seg ikke å fungere.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s38">Some ideas, of course, have failed.</s> <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s39">The bad ideas.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s39">De dårlige idéene.</s> | |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s40">Dem har man forkastet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s40">Those have been discarded.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s41">Men de gode.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s41">But the good ones.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s42">De gode har man foredlet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s42">The good ones have been refined.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s43">Alltid denne foredlingen.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s43">Always this refining.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s44">Man har trukket det beste ut av det bestående.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s44">People have extracted the best from the existing.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s45">Destillert idéene og sendt dem videre.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s45">Distilled the ideas and passed them on.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s46">Man har sendt kunnskap videre.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s46">They have passed on knowledge.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s47">Gjennom generasjoner.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s47">Through the generations.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s48">Jeg lærer dette til deg, så bruker du det i en femti-seksti år og gir det videre til dine barn.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s48">I teach you this, then you use it for fifty-sixty years before you pass it on to your children.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s49">Og skulle du finne på noe nytt underveis, så skader ikke det.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s49">And if you should come up with something new on the way, then that won’t hurt.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s50">Dette har vært omkvedet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s50">This has been the motto.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s51">Og så har man gitt ungdommen et klaps på skulderen og trukket seg stille tilbake.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s51">And then they have given the kids a slap on the shoulder and quietly withdrawn.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s52">Forsvunnet.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s52">Disappeared.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s53">Med vissheten om at ting hele tiden går fremover.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s53">Confident that things constantly move forwards.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s54">Sakte, sakte.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s54">Slowly, slowly.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s55">Men alltid fremover.</s> | |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s56">Man har bygd og bygd.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s55">But always forwards.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s57">Det ene huset har tatt det andre.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s56">People have built houses, one upon the other.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s58">Og veiene.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s57">And the roads.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s59">Tusenvis av mil med vei.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s58">Thousands of miles of road.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s60">Man har brutt land.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s59">They have broken land.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s61">Brutt og brutt.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s60">Broken and broken.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s62">Fløtet tømmer, bygd demninger, togskinner, fabrikker, båter.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s61">Rafted timber, built dams, railroad tracks, factories, boats.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s63">Man har rodd, sprengrodd.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s62">They have rowed, rowed like crazy.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s64">Trukket ledninger på kryss og tvers.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s63">Drawn cables in all directions.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s65">Sprengt en helvetes masse tunneler.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s64">Blasted a hell of a lot of tunnels.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s66">Utdannet leger.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s65">Educated doctors.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s67">Alltid leger.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s66">Always doctors.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s68">Slik at andre folk har kunnet holde seg friske nok til å bygge.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s67">So that other people could stay healthy enough to build.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s69">Og ingeniører.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s68">And engineers.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s70">Satt opp høyspentmaster.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s69">Put up transmission towers.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s71">Målt og veid.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s70">Measured and weighed.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s72">Børsnotert.</s> <s id="NEST_Ognno.s73">Man har børsnotert.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s71">Listed on the stock market.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s74">Trukket i uniform.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s72">Donned uniforms.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s75">Pløyd jorda og sådd.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s73">Ploughed the earth and sowed.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s76">Hvert eneste år har man sådd.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s74">Every year, sowed.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s77">Hvete, bygg, poteter.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s75">Wheat, barley, potatoes.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s78">Man har sett været an.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s76">Considered the weather.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s79">Alltid været.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s77">Always the weather.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s80">Ustabilt.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s78">Unstable.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s81">Man har høstet og pløyd igjen.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s79">Reaping and ploughing again.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s82">Olje.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s80">Oil.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s83">Man har funnet olje og satt penger i banken.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s81">Oil has been discovered and money placed in the bank.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s84">Noen har jobbet for å få dette landet på beina.</s> <s id="NEST_Ognno.s85">Det er helt sikkert.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s82">Someone has worked to get this country up and running, that’s for sure.</s> |
<s id="NEST_Ognno.s86">Noen har jobbet som faen.</s> | <s id="NEST_Ogn_121en.s83">Someone has worked their ass off.</s> |