<head id="NEST_Speno.h1">Spekk, løgn og hvalfangst</head><head id="NEST_Spe_160en.h1">Blubber, lie and whaling</head>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s1">Det er gått ti år siden Norge vedtok å gjenoppta hvalfangsten.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s1">Ten years has passed since Norway agreed on a resumption of whale hunting.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s2">Det skapte et rabalder uten like.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s2">It caused an unbelievable commotion.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s3">Siden har Norge fanget stadig mer hval, til stadig svakere protester.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s3">Since then, Norway has hunted (down) more and more whales to lesser and lesser protests.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s4">I dag er det bare propaganda, halvsannheter og enighet tilbake. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s4">Today there is only propaganda, falsities and consensus left. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s5">Det var temperatur da Norge vedtok å gjenoppta den kommersielle hvalfangsten i 1992.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s5">It was a high temper when Norway decided to take up commercial whaling in 1992.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s6">Invektivene nærmest haglet fra motstandere og tilhengere:</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s6">The invective became more and more heated from both the opponents as well as the supporters.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s7"> «Vågehvalen er havets rotte» uttalte daværende Utenriksminister Thorvald Stoltenberg i et avisintervju i 1992.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s7">The mink whale is “the rat of the ocean”, proclaimed the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, Thorvald Stoltenberg in a newspaper interview in 1992.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s8">«Nordmenn er spyttslikkere.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s8"> “Norwegians are bootlickers.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s9">De fleste er hjernevasket, myndighetene er inkompetente og massemediene er servile, altså krypende og spyttslikkende overfor maktapparatet,» sa kampanjeleder i Greenpeace Norge, Pål Bugge til VG august 1992.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s9">Most of them are brainwashed, the authorities are incompetent, and the media is subservient and creeping and bootlicking towards the machinery of power, uttered the campaign leader in Greenpeace Norway, Pål Bugge to VG in August 1992.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s10">«De kaller meg Quisling, landsforræder og hore», klagde daværende hvalkampanje-leder i Greenpeace Norge, Ingrid Bertiniussen til Det Nye i november 1992.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s10">They call me Quisling, traitor and hore, complained the Whale campaign leader in Norway at the time, Ingrid B to the Norwegain Youth Magazine Det Nye in November 1992. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s11">«Norge er mobbeoffer» og mobberne er «utenlandske miljøterrorister», fastslo Arne Olav Brundtland, i Bergens Tidende i mai 1993. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s11">“Norway is a victim of bullying and the bullies are “foreign environmental terrorists”, emphasised Arne Olav Brundtland quite explicit, in Bergens Tidende in May 1993. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s12">Men noe har skjedd med miljøvernernes hvalengasjement.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s12">However, something has happen with the environmentalists’ awareness concerning whales.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s13">Greenpeace har ikke gjennomført sin nærmest tradisjonelle sommeraksjon mot norsk hvalfangst siden 1999.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s13">Greenpeace has not carried out their almost traditional summer campaign against Norwegian whale hunting since 1999.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s14">Og man må virkelig finkjemme den norske hjemmesiden til miljøaksjonistene for å finne noe om hval.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s14">Moreover, you really have to search the environmental demonstrators’ Norwegian webside thoroughly to find anything about whales.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s15">Organisasjonen har gjemt vekk temaet under rovfiske.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s15">The organisation has hidden the topic beneath overfishing.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s16">Samtlige forskere, byråkrater og hvalfangstforkjempere Folkevett har vært i kontakt med i forbindelse med denne artikkelen har registrert den dørgende stillheten: </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s16">All of the scientists, bureaucrats, and whaling advocates, the magazine Folkevett has been in touch with in connection with this article have noticed the complete silence. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s17">– Intensiteten er ikke den samme i dagens internasjonale motstand mot norsk hvalfangst, fastslår tidligere hvalfangstkommisjonær Odd Gunnar Skagestad.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s17">The intensity is not the same in today’s international opposition towards Norwegian whaling, says former whaling inspector, Odd Gunnar Skagestad.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s18">Harpun-utvikler og professor ved Veterinærhøgskolen Egil Ola Øen konstaterer at han ikke mottar trusselbrev lenger.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s18">Harpoon designer and professor at Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Faculty, Egil Ola Øen find that he no longer receive threatening letters.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s19">Tidligere Tysklandambassadør Morten Wetland registrerer i dag bare sporadisk motstand. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s19">Former ambassador in Germany, Morten Wetland only notice sporadic resistance. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s20">– I dag blir det mest bråk om hvalen hvis kvoten er for liten, ironiserer Rune Frøvik i Høge Nord Alliansen. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s20">Today it is more likely that there will be problems if the quota is too small, ironizes Rune Frøvik in High North Alliance. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s21">Ønsker dialog </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s21">Want a dialogue</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s22">Kampanjeleder for Greenpeaces norske kontor, Truls Gulowsen, forstår at det utenfra virker som det har blitt stille rundt hvalfangsten.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s22">The Norwegain Greenpeace office campaign leader, Truls Gulowsen, understands that from an outside perspective it looks like it has been quite around whale hunting.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s23">Organisasjonen har nemlig bestemt seg for å satse på en dialoglinje, og ønsker å gå stillere i dørene.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s23">The organisation has in fact decided to go in for a dialogical approach, and want to lie low.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s24">Greenpeace, ved Gulowsen, begrunner og definerer i dag hvalsaken på en måte som står i sterk kontrast til den kampanjeretorikken vi er vant til å høre fra det holdet. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s24">Greenpeace, represented by Gulowsen, give reason for and define the whale issue today in a way that is in stark contrast to the campaign rhetoric we normally hear from that quarter. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s25">– Vårt tidligere arbeid var preget av sterk konfrontasjon og ikke så mye dialog.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s25">Our previous work had signs of strong confrontations and not so much of dialogues.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s26">Det skapte en situasjon hvor det ble lett å misforstå hva vi egentlig mente.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s26">It created a situation where it was easy to misunderstand our real intentions.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s27">Det høye støynivået gjorde det vanskelig for deler av publikum å forstå at det ikke var følelser som var viktig for oss i hvalsaken, sier kampanjeleder i Greenpeace Norge. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s27"> The high level of noise made it difficult for parts of the audience to understand that it was not feelings that was important to us in the whale issue, says Greenpeace’ campaign leader in Norway. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s28">Vanskelig å forstå er det nok imidlertid ennå, skal en dømme etter pressetalsmann i Utenriksdepartementet Karsten Klepsviks rekapitulering av Greenpeace argumentasjon opp gjennom årene. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s28">It is probably still hard to understand, taking the Foreign Department’s press secretary, Karsten Klepsviks recapitulation of Greenpeace’ argumentation throughout the years into consideration. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s29">– Det har vært en klar utvikling i Greenpeaces argumentasjon, mener nemlig også Klepsvik, som foruten å være UD-talsmann, også har bakgrunn som ekspedisjonssjef i Fiskeridepartementet, administrerende direktør for Fiskerinæringens Landsforening og som hvalfangstkommisjonær. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s29">It has been a clear development in Greenpeaces’ reasoning, according to Klepsvik, who in addition to acting as a representative on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has a background as Director General in the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Chief Executive for the Norwegian Seafood Federation and as a Whaling Commissioner.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s30">– Først var de imot fordi de mente vi drev fangst på en truet bestand.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s30">At first, they opposed because they thought we were hunting an endangered stock.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s31">Men etter at det ble lagt på bordet en vitenskapelig dokumentasjon på det motsatte, gikk de over til å være imot hvalfangst som sådan, det var inhumant og så videre.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s31">But after a scientific documentation on the opposite were obtained and laid on the table, they joined to be against whaling in general, it was inhumane and so forth.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s32">Altså en mer emosjonell begrunnelse. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s32">Therefore a more emotional argument. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s33">Folkevett har foretatt en gjennomgang av Greenpeaces argumentasjon i hvalsaken.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s33">The magazine, Folkevett has examined Greenpeace’ argumentation in the whaling issue.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s34">Den viser at Greenpeace egen historiske fremstilling er riktig, og at UD-talsmann Klepsviks faktisk tar feil.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s34">It proofs that Greenpeace’s own historical version is correct, and that the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Klepsvik in fact is wrong.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s35">Den internasjonale miljøorganisasjonen startet nemlig med en vitenskapelig og emosjonell begrunnelse for hvalfangstmotstanden på sytti-tallet, før de gikk mer og mer bort fra det følelsesmessige utover på åtti-tallet.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s35"> The international environmental organisation did in fact start with a scientific and emotional reason for the whaling opposition in the seventies, before they dissociated themselves more and more from the emotional aspect throughout the eighties.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s36">Da Norge vedtok å gjenoppta den kommersielle fangsten i 1992, argumenterte Greenpeace først og fremst at det var for lite vågehval igjen i havet.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s36">When Norway decided to take up the commercial whaling in 1992, Greenpeace argued above all that there were too few mink whales left in the ocean.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s37">Etter at IWC’s vitenskapskomite på midten av nitti-tallet fant at antallet vågehval i norske farvann var stort nok til et begrenset uttak, har Greenpeace fokusert på det prinsipielle, med spesiell vekt på det kommersielle.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s37">After IWC’s scientific committee in the middle of the nineties was presented with evidence that the number of minke whales in Norwegian waters were high enough for a limited selection, Greenpeace has focused on the principle, with a certain emphasise on the commercial aspect.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s38">Greenpeace peker på faren for at en re-kommersialisering av hvalfangsten kan føre til at presset på hvalressursen blir så stort at vi igjen vil få en nedfangsting slik vi hadde i Sørishavet etter andre verdenskrig.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s38">Greenpeace points out to the danger that re-commercialization may lead to too much pressure on the whale resources that we once again risk a fish out as we had in the Southern Ocean after world war II.</s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s39">En fangst som førte til at flere hvalarter fremdeles defineres som truede, og som er selve begrunnelsen for den utbredte skepsisen til hvalfangst i dag. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s39">A catch that resulted in that several whale species still are identified as being in danger of extinction, and which is the main argument for the widespread scepticism of today. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s40">– Hvalfangst er et mye mindre problem enn tidligere, den gang da det var ukontrollert fangst.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s40">Whale hunting is a much lesser problem than before, compared to when the hunting was out of control. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s41">Forbudet mot hvalfangst var en viktig avgjørende seier for arbeidet vårt.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s41">The ban on commercial whaling is a decisive victory for our work. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s42">Et forbud som følges av de aller fleste landene.</s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s42">A ban followed by most countries. </s>
<s id="NEST_Speno.s43">I dag er det viktigst for Greenpeace å arbeide mot eksport av hvalprodukter fra Norge og andre land, konstaterer Gulowsen. </s><s id="NEST_Spe_160en.s43">Today, it is important for Greenpeace to fight export of whale products from Norway and other countries, specifies Gulowsen. </s>